ocayh here! tk a look at them!;) nyinyi bought 15 various colour of silk shawls! they r sooo prettyy n easyy to wear ! i swearr! myb sbb material die xtebal n x nipis n x sng tejerut if kner pin or wut-so that i juz cnt help myself to try them one by one! ahaha actually i did wanna buy n saw this type of silk shawls at one of the booth in mid valley-n it cost rm120- so hnye mmpu menatap shje -ehehe xsngke dah ade dpn mate dgn slmtnye- i think i wanna sell some of them here-b coz ntah-xkn nk simpan 15elaii?- cm byk sgt je nk wt koleksi ;)

saree puteyh n itammm neh nyinyi kate spesel utk mase my weddin yg nth lame lgik tuh-uhuh ;p thankss nyinyi !lap u!;)
okeyhh-the besttttt parttttttt is heree! n of courseee ,it's all about diamonds n the stones!-well (perempuannn kn?)hehe india is quiet popular with various type of stoneessss;) thank u india-ahahaha
my eye candyyyyyyyyyy ;)
okeyh enuff psl brg2- bebalek pd kesah hari neh- td po kol kate kete die pon kner tiumm gak- huu- saba ye pooo-same lah kite-hoho arituh pon kete i kner tiom gak! tp no worries- udah di bikin- ;)tp po bz gile-ngn kelas, ongkol, exam-huu-xde mase mau crk spare part kete-po i miss u so damn much!
part of my darlin body yg ditium n sudah diobati n kembali spt sedia kale-lap u!
alritee-hari neyh juge nyinyi n mak ona g jb-ade kusus haji pedane- tp td kol nyinyi cm tgh cuwik tulang je- uhuh sbb non stop dr india, blk uma, trus ke jb n then jadik saksi nikah, n then dlm mase yg same ade kusus aji 2 ari-smpai ahad , isnin plak naek kje trus- dala mlm neh ade qiamulail beramai2- nsb la nyinyi ku syg-uhuh so i tinggl ngn akhin n bebed yg blk cuti 2 ari neh- esok mkn luo jek ah coz nyinyi n mak ona xde-eheh tuh je entryy pjg bejeleee arinih- tadaaaaaaaaaaaa!!;))