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Tuesday, February 21, 2012


birthday yg awesomeee!!

Assalamualaikum !! Anda maseh ingtkah lg pade perempuan yg mls update blog ini atau anda sudah mule melupakan beliau? tapelah bialah beliau membawe diri! ceh! klao x drama x bole kn? lupe x lupe, i nk tulis jugak! xkire! sbb i wanna sharee withhh u guyss , ehemm! birthdayy i yg osenmm arituhh!! (19 feb) same dgn ramlah ram *kau mampuuu? nyanyi lagu sesaat kauu dtg~ okeh x ya merepeks!

so nk dipendekkkn crite ! i x pk pun nk celebrate besdey i kt mn aritu! almaklumlah i rs smua kwn2 i tgh busy, n days before ika ade tnye i nk celebrate kt mn? so i was like, hurm ntah, ikut jela, xkesah,, hiiiee;))

n then, mlm 18 hb iaitu hari sbtu mlm ahad ika suh jemput die kat rumah, katenye nk tgk wyg( katanyeelahh) uhuhu, n then bile da smpai rumah die ,i tgk ika xbwk handbag klua, i tanyelah kn, mn handbaggg , knp klua x bwkk handbagg? die jawab alamakk ila lupe , akk teman ika masuk dlm skejap lah! so bile time i ikut die masukk dlm, pintu da tebukak n i nmpk belon pnuh kt tngge, i trus mcm"eh belonn?" punyelah thp lurus n bendul! tibe2 bunyik meletop n kluoalah abg zack husband k scha bwk kek kluaa! n then lmpu trbukak brlah i nmpk smua orggg tgh menyanyiiii laguu happy birthdayy!! wuuu touchingg gilee sbb gucci semua ade temasok lyna kamal n naniee!! i touching gile smpai mnanges sbb i tau, gucci2 i smua toke beso n bz, tp ade ms nk drg rumah ika buat seprais utk i,
n i dalame x jumpe diorg sbb masing2 byk hal;( , bestnyee dpt spend ms same2 harituh!!;)

thanks ika n iskk forr the sepraiss decoration foods n evrything!
thanks k scha n abg zack for comingg mlm2 even korg bz n pnat
thanks to vee sbb pregnant sarat2 pun dtg jugak dgn hubbiee;)
thanks riri n ciki, even tgh bz preparation nk kawen pun still bole curik ms dtg,,
thanks to hani n eddy sbb susah payah dtg dr kl even korg br blk butik pnatt2,
thanks to nanie n lyna n bff i yg sgtt2 lahh baekkk hati dtg mlm2 n nyorok kete jaoh2 n tiup belonn yg bykk tuhh!! thnkss sgtt ;)

n hari Ahad tu i menjalani hari spt biase! oh tht day ade shoot utk pastelina for whi ' too bad shea cnt join sbb shea da nk berangkt untuk buat umrah, ;) pray for her safety ;) i yanny lyna n then maria cm n join us there! it was so much fun n i pelik sbb xde ulang2 shoot mcm safiyya haritu' uhuhu so ! when i tot the day was about to end, i telahh disupriseee kn lg olehh my foreverr n ever frienddd ! i ingtkn xde la diorg nk buat seprais sbb i understnd rmai yg pnat , pda br eksiden, taya kt jepun, eda kt spain, su kat jb, mok kat mersing, uyun kt london(nk jugak) , aji plak oncall, kmar kete rosak, yg free maybe dil ngn awang je,,

TAPI rupenyee i slhh, sbb i dont know my friend would suprise me even a lot of them cnt mk it because of their bz schedule n they are so far away!
n YES again, budak kememeh neh cried for second time! even only kmar dil n awang cn mk it, but i i can fully understnd that;)
thnks dil kmar awang n yg laen2 for the wishes!! love u guys to bitss!

n the next day bila i rs semua dah berakhir, i pegi skola dgn gmbire. ;) n tauuu x ade sepraiss lg! tibe2 ade flowerist from s alam dtg bg i sejmbak bunge yg cntekk!! Tapi xde name pengiring, n xde sape pun mengaku! wuuu xpelah klau xnk mengaku! i just wanna tell it here that u md my day!;)

Oh! i rs tabahnye i menaip kat phone neh, semate2 nk crite, xpe! sbb i nk bg tau sume org i sgtt2 happy tauu!! thnkss jugakk pada yg wish tru sms n fb ! thank youuuu so much!!;)

korang msti nk tgkk gmbaa kn? hikhik! nahh tgk!;)sory gmba x tersusun sbb i tatau nk susun ikut phone! yg pkai bj laen tuh mknenye waktu laen lah ye! uhuh

lyna kamal the retiss!;p

bunge yg misteri !

neh da nk pukul 12 so kitorg amek gmba utk hantar pada eda kat spainn!! happpybirthday eda!

co cweeettt kn? @ikas crib;)

retis n i

touching moment captured by vee the howt mummmy!;)

time tgh shooting buat2 minom air ade budak skola buat lawak kt depan! nsb i x ketaweeeee!

vain shot musti adee!

dil, awang , besdey gel, kerms @ alexis bangsar !;))

neh butik ke rumah? uhuhu


kamilahhhh kumpulan nasyeed baruu!!betukaa!! uhuh

after done with d shootiiing!;)

another shot of deco table ;) veggieee niceeeee kn?;)

mcm cantek je gmba i hamek nih!

slmt ari jadikkk yg kee 12 taonnn uyun! ahaha;p

lyna, maghia, yanny n ehems

burthday card yg gmokkk! uhuh

omeyyy kn?

collection of shots, not shits ye!

ololololo! kwn sapeee yg omeyyy nehh!!

perempuans ku syg;)

THANK YOU ALLAH! Thank u ya Robbi , ya rohim! for all these happiness! thank you ! Alhamdulillah ;)

My photo
buah cempedak di luar pagar, ambil galah tolong jolokkan, saye budak baru blajar, kalao salah tolong tunjukkan.



my world

my world


patbelas tahon besame

patbelas tahon besame
nkooorangg adeee??? ;p

gucci syg

gucci syg

Jempotlah masuk. ;)

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bape org hornline!


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