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Wednesday, May 26, 2010


mix n match tips

hye ladieesss! oh helooo ladiess lbeh sedap mungkin! nmpknye sudah lame kite tidak ketemu! so hari nehhh - i nak crite psl fashionnn- hoye hoyee!! i nk bg tauu u oll pasal kesukaan i terhadap fashionn mix n match.i dont care if people say- eh uyun baju kau xseswai ngn tudung kau--seluar kau xsswai ngn handbag kau-or wutso ever- because i just love to mixx either it is match or not for u( as long as i think it is match)-ahaha- mayb thats y i love colourful shirts, cardi ,dreess n shawls drpd skolah dulu-sbb tuh org2 yg knal i- kalao nmpk warne warni- mesti ckp hah -neh warne uyun lah neh.-ok sng-sbb the more colourful it is. the easier u can mix n match it.but b4 that,i nk bitau,i bukanlah pakar fashion ke hape-xtere langsung.just for sharing purpose- yg suke bleh bace-yg xsuke or rs tulisan i xmtg mcm budak form 1 ke form2-sile beredar dgn segere- sile bace blog perdana menteri or penulis lagu yg mungkin lbeh matang ye-;p

okeyh- utk mix dgn match neh- pade i -i xkesa ape2- but dan tapi, jgn over sgt- i mean-jgn smpai nmpk heavy for u- since i neh pendek- lagilah i xnk nmpk heavy- so i like it simple tp xsimple-ahaha if misalnye, u dah pkai baju yg sgt colourful. n then tibe2 u pkai tudung polkadot yg byk gile kalerr n then make up u kalah mak ngahh nk pegi kenduri kawen. dgn belt n accecories yg melampao-tmbahh tecengang lagi bf u klao u bwk handbag gabak . u akan nmpk mcm terlalu berusehe utk cube menjadik centre of attraction- try to look sweet but nice-

i lg prefer tudung or shawl yg plain n lembut warne die utk sume occasion sbb i buleh bwk sume baju utk match kan bile2 i nak. i suke pink lembut, pink lembut, n pink lembut. ahahah ok cmpo baby blu, light purple, warne belacan yg light juge, krim dan sume2 lah yg lembut.oh shawl itam pun sng juge nk match. lpas tuh baju plak i suke mcm2 kaler- xkesahlah- skang neh buleh dptt byk jniss vest kat lua sane-- sso, i slalu gune vest utk nmpk simple tp xsimple-cthnye- if baju t u plain je. u bleh tmbah dgn vest or belt- tp beware kpd org2 yg pendek spt i- vest yg slh-hnye membuat kamu nmpk lebeh pendek. utk cari vest juge- kne try dulu-jgn nmpk patong pkai cntek- trus amek. kdg2 bile u pkai- u akan nmpk gemok sket- atopun gedix sket- ape2lah-tp yg pasti try dulu ye.

baeklah- skarang sile jamu mate- dgn gmba2 perempuan yg i rs pndaii gile mix n match- sory-xde gmba artis dlm neh-klao amek gmba artis mengelat- sbb diorg mmg ade p.a ituh inih segale macam buleh bg nasehat- so neh i letak gmba diorg. -

okeyh nah perempuan cntek pertame-cik fatin kite. i ade satu ms tuh tgh gile tgk Cropped Shoulder Puff Half baju ke jacket ke- nmpk je beli, beli je nmpak! pastuh xlame lps tuh i jupe cik fatin dialam maya-i nmpk .byk gile baju yg beliau pkai i suke- make dgn sukehati-i jadik stalker die hari2 -ahaha, nah tgk

Cropped Shoulder Puff Half Jacket mmg sggtt innn skarang-sume org nakk ade-u know wut-i da try byk kali shoulder puff jacket neh jual kat cotton on yg lawa gile wa ckp sm lu, kat mng, kat top shop, kat kdai cine tepi2 jalan, sume mmg siyes buwuk gile i pkai- make i tabahkan hati jeklah tgk gmba c cntek neh begaye dgn jacket neh- oh jacket neh pon kalao nk pkai sempoi dgn T n skinny pon sgt cntek. fuh! warne merah dan hijau neh mmg gile berani punye combination. tp thumbs up sbb she did mix n match very very well.

tgk neh-die buatt lg? uhuhuh die pkai Cropped Shoulder Puff Half Jacket neh dgn baju corak hamster-eh corak leopard- corakk neh pon skangg sgtt innn gilee siot- tergiur2 i tgk baju corak2 cmney. egh! kalao u tgk mag. pon byk designer kluakn pattern2 mcm neh-die pon pndai mix dgn accecories die- simple tp xsimple .i loike! huhuh neh mmg celebrity inspired dgn care betudung-

ocayh- yg neh pulak adelah shopaholic bejaye zmn neh-uhuh name die adriani. sgt sweet n i loveeeee the way she mix n match evrything. tp nk ekot sume yg die pkai-mmg kne juall kete ngn rumah-ahahah mari cuci mate.

sweeeeeeeeeeettttkn? omgg-cntek gile bile i tgk neh-trus nk tido dan mimpi pkai bj neh-ahahah- tp amaran sile jgn pkai mcm neh kat mesia- hnye seswai utk tmpat yg berhawe nafsu- eh berhawe dingin je- tudung pink n boot pink tuh mmg make the whole things looks gewdddd man!

combination of top n dress neh mmg sgt, paling, ter, baek. i mean- mcm mane boleh terpk utk combine kan kedua2 neh yg mmg akan jadi combination yg walaaaweii- tp tuhla harge pon walaaweeii jugak-ahahah n tlg focus juga pd rntai die-(boleh nmpk ker?)mls nk letak gmba len yg lg jelas-uhuh i sgt sukeeeeeeeeeeee!! mcm rntai queen ms zmn rome sgt klasik. 5 star! ;)

this might look common. but mix n match disinih mmg sgt bejaye. slalunye bile tgk org pkai dress cmney n belt- i trus rs mcm over . tp neh tidak- n then bile org pkai belt selalu org letak bwh dade- n belt besar gabak- egh.xseswai. tp neh die letak kat bawah sket- n nmpk nicee jeww. handbag dgn top pink tuh pun sgt auwww ;)). i love! i love!

wutelse to say kan!;))))))))

sekian shj utk kalii neh- kpd wanita2 diatas mekaseyh bg pinjm gmbo- sile beli baju byk2 lagi- ;)). oh sbnrnye- byk lg wanita yg i suke tgkkk- tp i mls nk mintk permisi, mls nk type, mls dan mls- lenkaliilah i buatt lg- masukkan gmba perempuan2 cntek begaye neh utk gembirekan hati- selamat mencube, memix n mematch dgn jayenye! ;)))


Anonymous said...

canteeekkkkkk!! :)

ween said...

I pun suka stalk cik fatin dan cik shopaholic. they are gorgeous!

would love to see u mix n match ur outfit too, pls? :)

Adriani said...

haha malu nyer *_*
anyway, thx yang!!! i dont deserve this....*_*

cekgu cantik ni bila nak bagi tips2 pulak...=)

u y u n said...

miss rouge- yes they are ;)

ween- kan kann? ;) mcm tgk gule2 je tgk diorg neh ;) i xcntekk cm diorg.xseswai jadik cth-uhuh

miss yanny- ish-napekah malu. ahaha u deserve lah- i suke tgk u!;))

Fatin Liyana Asri said...

oh kenapa i bru pasan semua bende ni??

omg sis uyun the greatest evah! tq tq sbb featured me in one of ur entry hehe ;)

boleh x bgi tips cmne nk flwless tips cm sis uyun? suke la ur skin tone. omg suke omg suke! plz plz! maceh gojes!

FaTin GemiNi said...

terbaek entry nih! atin pown minat laa mix n match nih..tapi x berani nak memperagakan..takut org nengok, ''eh,budak nih nampak cam x betol jeww''.haha

fatin liyana asri,saya juga one of ur silent reader.taknak ngaku stalker tuh! ahah ;p

good job uyun! :)

.::cEriTeRa HatiKu::. said...

dua2 cantik=)

Unknown said...

cantiknye dia...^^

Ashizu said...

pandai laa u ur style

Sandra Azwan said...

love your style!;-)

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